Odin Village HallBy Joanie Winkler & Becky CollierOver the years the Village Hall has been a place to come for many things. It is the place that all the village business is tended to. It houses the Mayor’s Office, the Police Department, the Clerk’s Office, the Water and Street Departments, and the Business Office. The Business Office takes care of all the water billing and collections. It also pays all the villages monthly bills, assists with the audits, bookkeeping, grant writing, and communications with State offices. We have a Notary Public in the office at all times, and this is a free service to the residents. This is the first place a new customer would come to get water service. It is also the first place that anyone comes to, or calls, with any questions. The office is open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. The office handles water leaks, stray dogs, dead cats, unwanted critters, fallen trees, stopped up drainage ditches, road repairs, and questions about who, where, and when. It is also a gathering place for board meetings, funeral dinners, baby showers, birthday parties, and Boy and Girl Scout meetings. We have taken care of family disputes, given directions to the cemetery, and taken calls from all over the US trying to assist with locating friends or relatives from years past. We happily assist our residents by helping remove storm damage, clearing limbs and brush, or filling driveways with needed rock. We support many programs to benefit the community such as: the Christmas Angels, which helps provide Christmas for our kids, and the Odin Summer Youth League at the park, which sets up and schedules softball, t-ball, coach pitch, and soccer. We make reservations for the Community Center, the Library Activity Room, and the North Shelter at the park. Once a year, along with the ORDC (Odin Renewal and Development Council), we provide a Family Fun Day to all our residents as a way to say "Thanks" for being in our community. This is a free event that includes food, fun, and games. In the past twenty years, the same person has always been the part-time secretary. In that twenty years there have been six full0time office managers. There have been many changes in those twenty years, the biggest being the computer. In the future, it will only get better.