WOMEN'S GARDEN CLUBThe Odin Women’s Garden Club was organized and Federated December 29 of 1935. Mrs. Cecil Maxey Kell was Marion County president at that time, so she and Mrs. W. N. Hamilton had talked of a Federated club for Odin. Mrs. Hamilton called a group of women of Odin together at her home for an organization meeting. At this meeting the club was organized and Mrs. S. Harvey Hurd was chosen as their first president. The object of this organization is Intellectual and Civic improvements, Social enjoyment and united efforts for the welfare of our Community. We meet at the school building at 7:30 p.m. second Thursday of each month. Our motto is "He or She profits most serves best." We are County, District, and State Federated. We are a one department club but try to have one program each year on various District and State departments. The only money making project we have is a "Silent Auction" which is usually in ‘March or April of each year. We contribute to all District projects and to all local drives such as Cancer research, Heart fund and the T.B. Seal sale. Our present membership is 43, Thru the years the following ladies have served as president: Mrs. S. H. Hurd, Mrs. Louis Lowdermilk, Mrs. R. W. Mercer, Mrs. Charles Sloan, Mrs. Robert Nesmith, Mrs. Harry Ballinger, Mrs. V. E. Tate, Mrs. James Nicholson, Mrs. Wm. Schneider, Mrs. John Taylor, Mrs. M. P. Jett. Mrs. Marshall Martin is our newly elected president. Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Hurd, and Mrs. Sloan have served as county presidents. Mrs. V. E. Tate served as 23 District Treasurer for two years. Mrs. Mercer and Mrs. Hurd have served as District Chairman. Mrs. Nora Farthing and Mrs. R. W. Mercer have served as county secretary. Mrs. Wm. Schneider served as county Treasurer and Mrs. Fred Purvis is presently serving as county treasurer. Our club has some worth while civic projects each year and thru the years have enjoyed very informative and educational programs. We try in every way to live up to our club women’s creed. |