At a meeting in Tipton Hall August 5, 1865, the Baptist was constituted was Baptist Church with thirteen members. Rev. W. T. Green was the first pastor, during his ministry the Church purchased a hall to worship in. $1150.00 was paid during 1867, the building was finally lost through their inability to pay. The Church had five different pastors in it from 1965 to 1877 as far as can be ascertained. There was no Baptist Church until 1911. A council met in Protestant Methodist Church to organize a Baptist Church with fifteen people becoming charter members. They were Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Uhls, Mr. and Mrs. John Link, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Sandy, Mr. and Mrs. George Spears, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitley, Mr. and Mrs. William Hall, Mrs. S. A. Nichols, Mrs. Watson, Mr. J. P. Davis, Mr. Phillip Sandy is the only charter member now living. He is now a member of Methodist Church of Sandoval, Illinois. Mrs. M. J. Stafford and Mrs. Ida Chappel were the first to join the Church the following month. The Church met one year in Odin Protestant Church Building (now known as Otto Durant paint shop and garage). The next two years met in Presbyterian Church building (since torn down and rebuilt as a dwelling now owned by Mrs. Mike Pizzuti). The next nine years met in a home which was purchased but was sold and now belongs to Mr. Wallace Goodall situated just west of Odin School building. Through the providence of God, Mr. Ira Meredith wrote to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Trescott of Fairport, New York, in regard to lots they owned, stating they’d like to acquire same on which to build a Baptist Church. These fine Baptist people said they would give lots to Baptist Church if they, the Baptist Church would pay the taxes due on same. The Church gladly accepted.
In 1923 work was started on basement in which they met for twenty-five years. After a long hard pull the present church building was completed and was dedicated December 5, 1948, with an indebtedness of $6000.00. Today we have a building valued at $30,000.00 with no indebtedness. The first pastor was Rev. B. F. Bernett and we have had twenty-four pastors in the past years, Rev. Forrest Weems serving the longest, over ten years, he resigned at his own request. Rev. Everett Ritter is our present pastor and has been with us for two years, we sincerely hope he will be with us for some time. The Church has ordained two ministers and sent out to preach Rev. Thomas Spears and Rev. Irvin Smith of whom we are justly proud. Rev. Thomas Spears has retired. Rev. Irvin Smith is pastor of Bethel Baptist Church. Our present Deacons are Ira J. Meredith, Cecil Williams, Riley Deadmond, Murfin Belcher and Bee Williams. Bros. Louis Deadmond, Sunday school superintendent, and Harold Crippen, assistant; B. H. Wooters, clerk; Leon Deadmond, treasurer; Lynn Meredith, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Geneva Nicholson, assistant superintendent of Sunday school held in basement. We have a nice parsonage which we are proud of, (formerly known as the Horace Toulme home). We expect to build an addition to our church in the near future and place a baptismal pool in same. Committee: Ira Meredith, Otis Meredith and Rosalie Holsapple.