The Assembly of God Church was temporarily set in order by M. A. Malone, August 30, 1939, electing as board member, Arthur Griffin; secretary-treasurer, Ralph Griffin; Dewey Overton and Howard Boucher as deacons. Rev. Florence Boucher was unanimously elected as the first pastor. On August 2, 1940, the Church was officially set in order by Rev. Clyde Bailey, and adopted the laws of the Illinois district in regard to voting in pastor. Most of the roster’s charter members have moved. The following have served as pastors: Rev. Florence Boucher, Haskell Rodgers, Rhyan, A. J. Shields, Brewster, Beauford, Mates, Wainscott, Kostencki and the present pastor, William Bey. Earnest Halfacre donated the building site and the Church erected the building, later remodeling and adding the class rooms. In the late ‘40’s the parsonage was purchased and an extension to the building made. The Sunday school and Church attendance has remained near the same while some were added—others were being transferred, due to employment. Record attendance at Sunday school, 107. |