
A Letter From Our Mayor

Mayor Michael "Mick" Kelly

Greetings to all Odin residents, friends, and Sesquicentennial celebrants. It is my privilege to serve as Mayor of Odin, Illinois, as we celebrate our 150 year history in the year 2010.

Your Odin Sesquicentennial Committee has been working for the past several months to assure that this event in Odin’s long and prosperous history will be a memorable success. There will be numerous activities throughout 2010 that will capture the full spirit of our Odin Sesquicentennial celebration.

I personally welcome you. I sincerely hope you enjoy this year-long Sesquicentennial Event as either a visitor of Odin or as an Odin Resident. Please share with us our good fortune as a fine community that has grown and prospered from our past, with our eye on an even brighter future.

Best regards,

Mayor Michael "Mick" Kelly